Academic General Assembly Meeting of our Faculty Rector of our University Prof. Dr. The presence of Musa YILDIZ, the participation of our lecturers and the Faculty Member of the Department of Statistics, Assoc. Dr. With the presentation of Filiz KARDİYEN, it was made online on 16 June 2021 at 14.00.
The meeting program started with a moment of silence and the singing of our National Anthem. Our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Following the opening speech of Suat KIYAK, our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa YILDIZ gave a speech. In his speech, our Rector stated that the academic studies of our faculty are very important for our university to be a research university and for the continuation of this mission. He expressed his gratitude to our members. At the same time, he appreciated the accreditation studies carried out in our faculty and emphasized the necessity of our faculty members to serve by taking active roles in the boards and commissions of our University/Faculty. He shared the information that the norm staff practice was annulled by the Constitutional Court, saying that their staff needs are being met”.
Our Dean made an information presentation about the academic and administrative activities carried out in our Faculty in the January-June 2021 period.
Our retired faculty member of the Department of Statistics, Prof. Dr. Hasan BAL was presented with a plaque online due to the pandemic period, he was promised to express his feelings and thoughts, and it was reported that his plaque would be presented at the Dean's Office after the pandemic process.
Due to their outstanding efforts in quality studies in our faculty, Biology Department Res. See. Dr. M. Ufuk ÖZBEK, Department of Statistics Res. See. Thank You Plaques were given to Emre KOÇAK, and to Faculty Secretary Mine İŞLER, Student Affairs Unit Supervisor Burcu FİDANBOY for their outstanding efforts, and Bahri YUDU was the Most Successful Cleaning Personnel in the January-June 2021 Term.
Our Dean Prof. Dr. Suat KIYAK, Deputy Deans Prof. Dr. Belma ASLIM and Assoc. Dr. After the program with the participation of Akif ÖZBAY, Res. See. It was personally presented to Emre KOÇAK, Faculty Secretary Mine İŞLER and Student Affairs Unit Supervisor Burcu FİDANBOY.
Dekanımız Prof. Dr. Suat KIYAK, Dekan Yardımcılarımız Prof. Dr. Belma ASLIM ve Doç. Dr. Akif ÖZBAY’ın da katılımlarıyla program sonrasında Arş. Gör. Emre KOÇAK’a, Fakülte Sekreteri Mine İŞLER’e, Öğrenci İşleri Birim Sorumlusu Burcu FİDANBOY’a şahsen takdim edilmiştir.
Academic General Assembly Meeting was Held in Our Faculty
" 3rd International Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition " was held in our faculty
An evaluation meeting was held with the Faculty of Science Risk Study Team.
Faculty of Science Science Talks - 6 was held
Basic Nature Photography and Nature Photography Activity was held at our University
Send us your opinions, requests and evaluations.